Casual Summer Capsule Wardrobe (Turns into 90 Outfits!)

Summer style! I used to loathe summer style, but after spending a few summers digging deep to crack the summer style code, I miiiiight go as far to say that summer is my favorite season to dress for! 😲 I know, I can’t believe I’m saying that either, haha!

Today I’m sharing a casual summer capsule wardrobe, which is the example wardrobe that’s in the new Summer Wardrobe & Outfit Guide.

If you dread summer style (like I used to), then I want to encourage you that having a well-built wardrobe will go a long way to helping you feel great in the summer.

I’ll share this casual summer capsule wardrobe, and then I’ll break down a few key points that help you create a summer wardrobe!

Casual Summer Wardrobe

Click Here to Shop the Casual Summer Wardrobe


Again, this is the example wardrobe from the Casual Summer Wardrobe & Outfit Guide. You can use it as your template to copy!

Tips for Creating a Casual Summer Wardrobe

Here are a few tips to create a well-built summer wardrobe!

First, note that in my casual summer capsule wardrobe example there is a mixture of basics and visually interesting pieces. This is key to a well-built wardrobe! (You can read my blog post about foundations and fillers HERE.) The statement pieces add style and make outfits look interesting while the basics serve as the glue or the counterparts to the statement pieces. Without visually interesting pieces, outfits can get boring, easily. Without basics, you don’t have anything to pair with statement pieces.

(BTW, the Summer Wardrobe & Outfit Guide walks you through 11 categories of clothes to help you have a good mix of basics and visually interesting pieces.)

Second, be sure to include several different colored bottoms. Having different colored bottoms mixes up your outfits a lot, and it opens up your outfit possibilities. (Check out my post “Building a Remixable Wardrobe: The Importance of Colored Bottoms” for a great illustration showing how colored bottoms open up your outfit possibilities!)

Third, find STRETCHY denim shorts. I could write an entire blog post on just this! But to keep it short, just know that super duper comfortable, SOFT, and STRETCHY denim shorts are out there. And, ones that have stretchy ELASTIC in the waistband to make them even more comfortable! One of my favorites is THIS pair. Another option that is more affordable is THIS pair. There are several in the shopping widget linked above.

Fourth, add dresses that have shape built into them. Lots of dresses are soft and shapeless, but there are other dresses that are soft and have shape. I’d encourage you to look for the latter so that you can be comfortable but not feel frumpy. The striped dress in this casual summer wardrobe is a great example of that. It’s a t-shirt dress, so it’s casual and the material is soft, but that belt gives it shape so that you don’t feel like a shapeless sack. Look for dresses in soft materials that have some sort of construction and shape, even if it’s just an empire waist with a seam right under the bust, a loose belt like the striped dress here, or loose tiers. Those kinds of seams allow you to wear a very flowy dress that provides shape but isn’t super formfitting (so you can still have airflow!)

Also on the note of dresses, I only showed two in this example wardrobe, but of course you can add as many as you want in your summer wardrobe!

Alright, I hope this helps you build a great casual summer wardrobe!

If you’d like more guidance to create your wardrobe, grab a copy of the Casual Summer Wardrobe & Outfit Guide.

In it, I’ll walk you through 11 categories of clothes to create a well-built wardrobe so that you don’t get bored of your clothes and can better utilize what you have. And it starts with what’s already in your wardrobe!

Plus, you’ll have 90 outfit ideas at your fingertips for inspiration.

On top of that, I’ve put together 8 weeks of outfits for the summer so that you don’t have to think about what to wear. With it, you’ll have a summer wardrobe that allows you to get more use out of your clothes, save money on clothes you don’t wear, and feel stylish and confident during all of your summer activities!

Last, while there is a link to shop this capsule above, the Summer Wardrobe & Outfit Guide gives you access to a bonus shopping directory that has lots more options for summer clothes, including straight, plus, and petite options!

CLICK HERE to check out the Summer Wardrobe & Outfit Guide!

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